Resilient Filipino, Resilient Philippines

Resilient country is capable of recovering from extreme challenges, it is the country's toughness and elasticity. It can help us overcome natural and human made disaster while we can ensure to continue working despite emergencies. As we are prone to disasters, we Filipino can easily adjust in whatever situation we may come to experience. Since we are one of the most vulnerable country in the world to climate related disaster, we don't have a choice but to build a more resilient society for us to survived all the difficulties passing by. That is why we are known for our hospitality, cheerfulness and especially our resilience in terms of crisis.

Since we are prone to climate-related disaster, each year we experience tropical cyclones with varying level of strength. It affected a lot of people lives and left others suffer without shelter, access to food and water and etc. The main root of natural disasters that we experience is flooding due to heavy raina brought by thesouthwest monsoon, global warming, deforestation can cause landslide and etc. The Philippines committed to reduce 75% of its emissions by 2030 and quickly leveling up efforts in adapting climate change, aiming to increase our renewable energy. Our country has taken action to strengthen the government's emergency response and management capacities by launching the Preparedness and Response Excellence in the Philippines (PREP) program in 2023 by WFP with USAID's support. With this we can overcome the challenges we encounter like severe storms, increased drought and hotter temperature, rising sea level, health risks because of not having enough stocks of food supplies and etc.

In conclusion, we need to be prepared for us to survived all disaster we will encounter. one of the characteristics we need is being resilience because we are the ones who will make our society, community and country resilient. By taking actions that will reduce the effect of the disaster to our people like following the PREP program. Also, by changing our main energy sourcey to clean and renewable energy and etc. So we can build our country resilient and ensure that we can continue our work despite of all the damages and lost caused by the disaster.



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